I’ve been feeling a little old lately. You know, just trying to figure out if a 30 something year old should be dropping LMFAO lyrics around 4 teenage girls. Would that make me extra cool, or extra dorky? That is the question! I’m not quite sure what the correct answer is though. Despite how old and dorky I might feel around a group of super fun teenage girls, I didn’t let my ability to drop rhymes get in the way…. ha ha! But really, how super playful and fun are these four together!? When I was their age- there was a crew of 4 of us that were BFF’s and who did everything possible together. There are tons of photos floating around of those days- but I can only imagine how fun it would have been to do an actual shoot like this. I am so glad that Catia (you may remember her senior portraits) contacted me and asked if I might be interested in spending some time taking photos of her and her girls. This type of session is one of my all time favorites….. throwing paint, eating ice cream, climbing walls, and of course dodging lots of people in large crowds……. Why? “Cause everyday I’m shufflin” Enjoy!
erin - These are too fun, I knew I was going to see more from your sneak peek on FB… pure happiness.
Athena - Thank you Erin! These girls were so fun, it’s true 🙂